Saturday 9 April 2011

Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World

most amazing hole in the world darvaza turkmenistan door to hell Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World

In searching for the mining wealth, many large holes had been dug by human. In addition, nature occasionally produces some astounding holes. This list is the ten most amazing natural or artificial holes on earth.

10. Chuquicamata, Copper Mine, Chile

Chuquicamata is an open pit copper mine in Chile. This is a mine that total production of copper is the largest in the world, though not the largest copper mines. The depth of the mining hole is more than 850 meters.

most amazing holes in the world chuquicamata copper mine chile Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
Chuquicamata copper mine Chile

9. The Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine, Russia

most amazing hole in the world udachnaya pipe diamond mine russia Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World

Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine Russia

8. Guatemala Sinkhole

In 2007, natural disasters create a depth of 300 feet sinkhole swallowed a dozen homes in Guatemala – killing 2 and causing thousands of people were evacuated. The sinkhole was caused by rain and underground waste stream.

most amazing hole in the world guatemala sink hole Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
Guatemala Sink Hole

7. The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

The Diavik Mine is a mine in the Northwest Territory of Canada. Mine (opened in 2003) produces 8 million carats or about 1,600 kg (3500 lb) of diamonds every year.

most amazing hole in the world The Diavik Diamond Mine Canada Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

6. The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia

The Mirny Diamond Mine is 525 meters depth and has a diameter of 1200 meters. This is the first, and one of the largest, diamond pipe in the Soviet Union. Now abandoned. While It was still operating, it will take two hours for trucks to drive up and down the mine.

most amazing hole in the world The Mirny Diamond Mine Russia Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
The Mirny Diamond Mine Russia

5. The Great Blue Hole, Belize

most amazing hole in the world the great blue holes belize Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
The Great blue holes Belize

4. The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA

The Bingham Canyon Mine is an open-pit mining operation extracting a large porphyry copper deposit southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, in the Oquirrh Mountains. It is owned by Rio Tinto Group, an international mining and exploration company headquartered in the United Kingdom. The copper operations at Bingham Canyon Mine are managed through Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation which operates the mine, a concentrator plant, a smelter, and a refinery. The mine has been in production since 1906, and has resulted in the creation of a pit over 0.75 miles (1.2 km) deep, 2.5 miles (4 km) wide, and covering 1,900 acres (7.7 km²). According to Kennecott, it is the world’s largest man-made excavation.It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966 under the name Bingham Canyon Open Pit Copper Mine.

most amazing hole in the world The Bingham Canyon Mine Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World

The Bingham Canyon Mine

3. The Monticello Dam, Napa County, California, US

The Monticello Dam is a dam in Napa County, California, United States that well known for large circular valve that swallow water at the rate of 48,400 cubic meters per second.

most amazing hole in the world monticello dam circular valve Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
Monticello Dam Circular Valve

2. Kimberley Diamond Mine, South AfricaThe Kimberley Diamond Mine (also known as the Big Hole) is an open-pit mine in Kimberley, South Africa and is claimed to be the largest hole excavated by hand. This 1097 meter deep mine yielded over 6,000 lb of diamonds before being closed in 1914.

most amazing hole in the world the kimberly diamond mine south africa Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
The Kimberly diamond mine South Africa

1. Flaming Crater, Darvaza Turkmenistan- The Door to Hel
In 1971, geologists discovered a huge underground deposit of natural gas on this site. And while excavating, a whole drilling rig fell into an underground cavern. Natural gas started coming up from the hole. To prevent gasses from escaping, it was set alight and it continues to burn even today. The crater measures roughly 60 meters in diameter and 20 meters deep and is located in Turkmenistan.
most amazing hole in the world darvaza turkmenistan door to hell Top 10 Most Amazing Holes in The World
Darvaza Turkmenistan- door to hell


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